Art by Prentis Rollins (2017, Commissioned by Tim Board)

Nov 11, 2017

Terri Fox Shares a Childhood Memory of Her Grandfather, Gardner Fox

One of our members of Hawkworld is Terri Fox, the granddaughter of Gardner Fox, the creator of Hawkman. She shared a childhood memory with the group today. She gave me permission to share it with everyone and since today is the anniversary of Hawkman's debut 78 years ago, here it is! 
Hi. I just wanted to share a story about Gardner Fox, if you don’t mind. He was my grandfather. When I was 9 years old he came to Grandparents Day at school. He went to law school but found the practice unfulfilling. He told my class that he watched a bird 🦅 di  dive and snatch something from the ground- and he thought that’s what Justice should look like. Hawkman was published just six months before my father was born.

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